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Call me a hater, but...

   So I may regret this and it may come and kick me in the ass, but I've got to say it!

   I'm new to Instagram and I love all the craft industry community I've found on it, but I had no idea how many woman there would be seductively posing with beer!

Maybe it's because I don't have the boobs or the fact that I'm not a super hot babe like them, but I'd like to think it's because I want more for women in the craft beer industry.

So here I am, a mom of two girls, encroaching 40, and totally wishing these women would cover up! Yep, I've turned into Karen! 

"Oh my eyes!... oh hey, wait is that Cigar City Brewings latest beer dripping onto her breasts?"

But I'm okay with being Karen. Usually, I'm all about a "you do you" and don't judge attitude, be sexy if you want, wear what you want, celebrate all women... yada yada yada, I'm totally a feminist, but sometimes I just have to speak up for women to be sure they know they have so much more value! There are just too many of you posing beer babes and not enough, beautiful, real deal, trub slinging, spectrograph reading, beer critical, hop scientist women! Women are sexy with sweaty hair plastered to their forehead, wearing carhartts with malt covered boots, pouring beer, running beer promotions, or just drinking some cold ones with friends.

And I'll tell you what true beer drinking women aren't doing! They are not leaning against a wall, with one leg up, in a short skirt, boobs out, and bright red pouty lips! That's a man's fantasy. Or what some women think is the male fantasy.

But I've been an attractive enough woman in the craft beer industry for almost two decades and there is something I know.  The fact you are drinking and know your shit about beer makes you irresistiblely sexy, without the cleavage, without the make up without the seduction. This isn't Beer Watch! (See, what I did there?) In short, your taste buds are enough. You are valuable to the craft beer industry! Men (and some women) are already fantasizing about you cause you are a damn cool bitch, not because you parted your lips in a photo.

So heres my open letter:

     Dear Beer Babes,
Sure you have a ton of followers, but your horny followers are not reading your captions or seeing your true beer intellect. And if that's what you want, sexual attention, then forget the beer and pose with, well anything! There are woman fighting to get that Brewer job and be taken seriously! So why not pose with tea? Coffee? A Red Bull?! But you don't and I know why you choose beer! You like beer, know so much about beer, have inside knowledge about beer and that shouldn't be a side note, that should be the main event! 

    So give me the goods, just not "The goods." There are enough Kardashians on IG. Let's give women a real seat at the brewing table and show them what we really got.  Great taste!

End rant. 
Love Beer Mom "Karen"
