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It's a Small Beer World Afterall

     PNW Beer Moms hasn't even been rolling a month yet and it already has me questioning how big the world really is.  Small talk with strangers is no big deal to me, but putting myself and PNW Beer Moms out there, I mean really out there, is a whole different thing.  Most people's eye get a little crooked when you say "hey, you should join my club!" Instantly people are regretting talking to me, thinking I am about to sell them some MLM sh*t or invite them to church. I don't know how people actually do that! Because at least after I clarify myself, PNW Beer Moms is something you'd want to be a part of! And as one awesome mom recently asked, "Wait I don't have to read a book or anything do I?" Nope, there is nothing a mom needs to do, but drink beer, and come to social events and maybe drink beer for a cause! All win wins! Alright, back to my point. What reaching out to people has taught me, is that you really have to pick and chose who you approach and if they are going to be respective.  I don't want to freak people out. And this is why this next story is so cool!

    There I was at a new local brewery to introduce myself to the owner and new member of PNW Beer Moms (Hi Kimberly of Stemma you are awesome b.t.w.) and next thing I knew I was meeting some more great moms. We had a fabulous time and they are totally on board as new members! Yay! But like all great things, kids need naps and they had to leave. Feeling like I had done good for the day, and got some awesome recruits, I could have just gone home, but I still had about half a beer. A family showed up with a little girl and I thought, "Oh good! another little girl for my oldest to play with" and being that I was the only one at the table and the placec was packed I offered them the other part of the table and they sat.
    The girls instantly started playing and I made some really small talk about beer with the couple, but I was respectful of their space.  At some point I asked if they had been there before and we got into conversations about San Diego, and Bellingham and then I found my opportunity to introduce myself to the mom and tell her about PNW Beer Moms. Next thing you know we are both excited and I thought, "What luck! So many cool moms I've met today! So many things are falling into place!"
     Now you are probably wondering why this is at all interesting for you. Well, so far it's not. And normally it might have stayed that way, but listen.... here we are total strangers in Bellingham. A city none of us are originally from, sitting at the same table. They had planned to be elsewhere that day, and I too had decided last minute to come. All very serendipitous. So when the wife got up from the table and I was left to have small talk with the husband, there really wasn't much to talk about with him other than the weather and it was kinda humid that day. So we did.
    Now I have a million weather stories to tell, and for no particular reason I chose to tell one about walking in Baltimore in some crazy humidity.  It went something like this:

 "The craziest humidity I have been in was Baltimore."

"Hey I'm from Baltimore!"

"Oh, well then you know! So my boyfriend at the time was giving me a hard time because he's from Gettysburg."

"Wait! I'm from Gettysburg! Baltimore is actually my sports team...."

    Ah ha! Now you probably get where this is going.  Gettysburg is a small place. My ex and this man are the same age and know the same people. I know the same people! The degree of separation to this stranger and me is one person... actually a few.  He good friends with my ex's best friend's sister.  And she is both our friends on Facebook, and Facebook didn't even need to tell us, we figured it out ourselves! Go us.

   So there you go! The cool story I was promising. Two people meet at a random table, that neither expected to be at that day and because  of PNW Beer Moms and because I chose to tell that one story, we realized we knew the very same people all the way across the U.S. What are the odds?!

  And that is what got me thinking. Connecting PNW Beer Moms with other PNW Beer Moms is going to shrink this world down into a much cozier package.  And I love it! It's exactly what I want. You never really know who is sitting right next to you. I know two beer mom's that already have a Kalamazo connection, too! So there you go. Join PNW Beer Moms, find old and new connections, make the world a smaller and better place!
